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When choosing a package, it's important to choose one that offers the speed you require to handle your expected usage level as well as one with a suitable data cap.

Data Cap's are a limit on the amount of data you can download and upload from the internet.

In much the same way a phone company charges you by the number of minutes you use their service, we charge you by the amount of data passing through your connection.

Each time you browse the internet, read an email, make a skype call or download a song, this results in your request data being 'uploaded' and your requested item being 'downloaded' to your computer.

The amount of data you require will depend the types of things you want to do on the internet.

If you only want to browse a few web pages and read a few emails you may only need a few hundred megabytes (MB).  If you wanted to browse the internet, check email, make a few skype calls and download a little bit of music then a couple of gigabytes (GB or 1000 MB) would suit.

If you're a heavy internet user, downloading and watching movies, downloading many songs or uploading lots of content to social networks you'll need one of the larger data cap plans.

If you're using a 'Pre-Paid Card' or 'Pre-Paid Ticket'; or you're on a 'Fixed Subscription', then you don't need to worry about excess data charges.

Pre-Paid Cards and Tickets will simply 'expire' when the data allowance has been fully used.

Fixed Subscriptions will still allow you to use the internet but your connection speed will be reduced until your next monthly billing cycle.  If your data allowance is used during a month but you need additional full-speed access, through the Customer Portal you have the option to buy additional 'Full-Speed Data' for fixed price.

If you're using a 'Standard Subscriptions', when your data allowance is fully used you will begin to accrue 'excess' data charges.  These excess charges vary depending on the level of your subscription and they are due and payable before your next subscription period.


If you're just new to the internet or just browsing a few websites, then these packages are for you. Offering entry-level speed and data limits these packages get you online for the cheapest prices available.


Pre-Paid 200 200vt 80.00 MB (Peak)
80.00 MB (Off-Peak)
1.00 Mbps 1.00 Mbps 1 Month(s)
Pre-Paid 500 500vt 204.00 MB (Peak)
204.00 MB (Off-Peak)
1.00 Mbps 1.00 Mbps 1 Month(s)
Pre-Paid 1000 1,000vt 410.00 MB (Peak)
410.00 MB (Off-Peak)
1.00 Mbps 1.00 Mbps 1 Month(s)
Pre-Paid 2000 2,000vt 819.00 MB (Peak)
819.00 MB (Off-Peak)
1.00 Mbps 1.00 Mbps 1 Month(s)
Pre-Paid 3000 3,000vt 1.27 GB (Peak)
1.27 GB (Off-Peak)
2.00 Mbps 2.00 Mbps 1 Month(s)
Pre-Paid 4000 4,000vt 1.95 GB (Peak)
1.95 GB (Off-Peak)
2.00 Mbps 2.00 Mbps 1 Month(s)
Pre-Paid 5000 5,000vt 2.93 GB (Peak)
2.93 GB (Off-Peak)
3.00 Mbps 3.00 Mbps 1 Month(s)
Higher Packages >


Unlimited 2.6K 2,600vt Unlimited 512.00 Kbps 512.00 Kbps None
Flexi Premium 2.6K 2,600vt 1.00 GB (Peak)
1.00 GB (Off-Peak)
1.00 Mbps 1.00 Mbps 2.92vt/MB (P)
Fixed Premium 2.6K 2,600vt 768.00 MB (Peak)
768.00 MB (Off-Peak)
1.00 Mbps 1.00 Mbps None - Throttled
@ 64.00 Kbps
Flexi Premium 3.1K 3,100vt 1.40 GB (Peak)
1.40 GB (Off-Peak)
2.00 Mbps 2.00 Mbps 2.49vt/MB (P)
Fixed Premium 3.1K 3,100vt 1.00 GB (Peak)
1.00 GB (Off-Peak)
1.00 Mbps 1.00 Mbps None - Throttled
@ 64.00 Kbps
Unlimited 3.9K 3,900vt Unlimited 768.00 Kbps 768.00 Kbps None
Flexi Premium 4.1K 4,100vt 2.00 GB (Peak)
2.00 GB (Off-Peak)
2.00 Mbps 2.00 Mbps 2.30vt/MB (P)
Fixed Premium 4.1K 4,100vt 1.50 GB (Peak)
1.50 GB (Off-Peak)
2.00 Mbps 2.00 Mbps None - Throttled
@ 128.00 Kbps
Flexi Premium 5.2K 5,200vt 3.15 GB (Peak)
3.15 GB (Off-Peak)
2.00 Mbps 2.00 Mbps 1.82vt/MB (P)
Fixed Premium 5.2K 5,200vt 2.80 GB (Peak)
2.80 GB (Off-Peak)
2.00 Mbps 2.00 Mbps None - Throttled
@ 128.00 Kbps
Unlimited 5.6K 5,600vt Unlimited 1.00 Mbps 3.00 Mbps None
Higher Packages >

The Fine Print

* "Fixed Premium Subscription Internet" plans are slowed to the Unlimited Data speeds indicated for the remainder of the month once the data limit is reached.  No additional charges are applied to the account for excess data usage.  Additional full-speed traffic can be purchased online via the customer portal.
** "Flexi Premium Subscription Internet" plans remain at full-speed once the data allocation has been reached; any additional MB usage is billed at the end of each month and is payable prior to then end of the following month.  These plans are available to businesses and approved customers only.  One month deposit is payable with the first month's cost to begin subscription.  Excess charges are limited to the amount held as deposit; the subscription is automatically suspended once the excess deposit is reached unless prior arrangement.
*** "Unlimited Subscription Internet" plans are designed as a lower cost alternative for businesses and customers where 'speeds' are less important than the data transfer volume or where a fixed price per month is required.  As such, if your businesses activities require reliably fast internet then we recommend that you choose from one of our 'Premium Subscription Internet' plans instead, as we only guarantee the availability of the 'CIR Speed' at any time.  The ability for an account to reach the 'Maximum (Burst) Speed' is at best-effort of the network and dependant on network load and conditions.

1 All subscriptions are subject to an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy); for more information, please see our web site.  In addition, all ‘Unlimited’ subscriptions are subject to an FSP (Fair-Share Policy); subscriptions which consistently exceed the FSP may be subject to additional QoS limitations at administrations descretion; however any QoS limitations applied will not affect your CIR speed allocation.
2 All subscriptions are payable monthly-in-advance; discounts are available for 3, 6 and 12-month pre-payments.  Any data or speed not used during the month is forfeit (not rolled over) after the end of the billed period.
3 On 'Fixed' and 'Flexi' plans, Off-Peak data is utilized during the hours of midnight to 6:00am, 7 days a week.  If no 'Off-Peak' data remains available for use, any usage during this time will deduct from the plan's 'Peak' allocation.  For 'Flexi' subscriptions, excess data charges will be incurred if the plan's 'Peak' allocations is used (during peak time) even if any 'Off-Peak' allocation remains.
4 On 'Fixed' and 'Flexi' plans, for the purposes of data accounting, 1,024KB (KiloBytes) is equal to 1MB (MegaByte).  Data is accounted as combined download and upload (ie: if you download 4MB and upload 2MB this would use 6MB of your plan data.
5 On 'Unlimited' plans, the 'CIR' speed is your 'Committed Information Rate' or your guaranteed rate.  This is the rate at which your connection would operate if the platform was completely full and all burst speed was unavailable.  This excludes network conditions beyond the control of the Telsat Broadband.
6 On 'Unlimited' plans, the contention ratio specifies the maximum rate of data distribution.  A ratio of 10 to 1 would mean that you would share your 'Maximum (Burst) Speed' allocation with up to 9 other people.  The contention ratio on subscriptions may be altered at anytime without prior notification.
7 On 'Unlimited' plans, the price you pay is based upon your 'CIR'.  Any speed above this rate is provided to you free of charge up to your 'Maximum (Burst) Speed', at no time do we guarantee any speed above your 'CIR'.
8 Static IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are available at a cost of 1,000vt per month; multiple IPv4 address requests subject to APNIC approval.
9 Any data or speed not used during the validity period is forfeit after the validity period.  The validity period begins from your first login.
10 Excess usage charges (if applicable) will be calculated and invoiced at the end of the billing period; payment must be made before the end of the next billing period.
11 Your link speed are maximum possible levels for internet (international) data; these speeds depend on network utilisation both locally and internationally.  Local and National data speeds may exceed these levels, again depending on network utilisation.


If you're wanting internet for yours or your families use, choose one of the categories below that suites the type of service you're looking for.

Just Browsing
If you're just new to the internet or just browsing a few websites, then these packages are for you. Offering entry-level speed and data limits these packages get you online for the cheapest prices available.

Keeping In Touch
Skyping back home? Shopping online? These packages give you more freedom to do what you want while still keeping the budget in check.

Home Entertainment
More often these days, kids and indeed parents too are finding their entertainment online. These packages are best suited to those that want more from their internet!

Power User
Online all the time? These packages will suit the most speed and data hungry users; offering the highest data allowances and speeds available.


Getting your business online can be as simple as choosing one of the categories below that best describes the service you need.

Getting Connected
Time to get your business online! Email and instant messaging are fast becoming the preferred contact methods for business and these packages will help you get your business connected.

Small & Home Office
Sending out invoices, checking online banking and keeping in touch with your clients; these packages will help keep your SOHO business in touch and online!

Multi-User Performance
Stock department, accounting, customer relations, all of these users need a speedy and reliable connection to keep your business moving. Get multi-user performance with these great packages.

Mission Critical
If your business is a business that requires 'nothing but net' then these packages are what you'll be looking for. Offering the highest data allowances and speeds available for even the most demanding business.


Telsat Broadband's packages are designed to provide our customers with what they want for a price they can afford.

Here are some quick point about how our packages structured.

  • Packages are based on actual usage; so you only pay for what you use.
  • Your login is portable, you can login at any Telsat Broadband point of presence1.
  • Subscription accounts can support multiple logins2.
  • All packages are available WITHOUT a contract.

1  Depending on the number of simultaneous logins enabled on your package, logging on in another location will log-off any previous sessions.

2  Multiple logins are charged at an additional 1,000vt per month per additional login.
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